On Jan 25, 2018, at 8:55 PM, Matthew Darwin <matt...@mdarwin.ca> wrote:
> I'm all for using the wiki, just want to consider the maintenance effort of 
> keeping the tasking manager in sync with the wiki.  If someone wants to do 
> that, so much the better!   Wikis can get stale quickly without someone(s) to 
> actively look at doing updates, like you're doing.

Right, except the BC2020 wiki has gone from zero to two links.  One link is 
enough (per sub-project, not tiles within a sub-project) to enter the Tasking 
Manager's "front door."  Yet "this" (Task 100, Ottawa - Validate Addresses and 
Split Terraces) hasn't had ANY link to the wiki (nor the Tasking Manager in 
general).  And that wiki is "only" for BC2020, yet Canada-wide.  It seems the 
Tasking Manager site, countrywide, and Canadian WikiProjects might enjoy a 
little harmony and organization.

And we just did, putting two links in one wiki.  More, later, in other 
(Canadian-based WikiProjects and the Canadian Tasking Manager) wikis?  Sounds 
good.  Not being local, I can't effectively do that, but others can, and I 
believe it will help.  A little bit of organization and project (links, wikis, 
mapping work...) connectivity (intra-OSM, as it were) goes a long way.  Nice 
working with you!

> Keep up the great work.

Thanks, you and BC2020 (and Canadians OSMers and all of OSM and all the little 
children...), too.

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