On 2018-02-19 01:49 PM, Stewart C. Russell wrote:
Everything beyond the number and street name requires some abstraction,
and then a decision needs to be made over which authority one trusts.
You're doing great work with your consistency edits, but at some point,
completeness/consistency become very tiresome to reconcile.

Hi Stewart,

I really appreciate all your comments.

At some point I will indeed grow tired of doing edits of this nature.  But hopefully by then the largest issues are improved. (80/20 rule).  Additionally I hope to make the techniques I am using to find inconsistencies available as some sort of report so others can tackle the issues in their area(s) of interest.  The OSM inspector (https://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/) is great, but it doesn't have Canada-specific rules to point out things we could improve.

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