Hi Canada Import Team,
I'd like to ask a question that I've been curious about for a few years
now. What happened during the import of inland water data? Throughout
Canada, I find instances where tiles are missing water data. This results
in lakes and other water polygons being abruptly cut off. Some examples:
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=9/55.4821/-65.2981 and

I've also found an instance of rogue ocean tiles at zoom 10 and greater if
you switch the map layer to Transport Map:

I see that importing the Geobase National Hydro Network is still in the
planning phase according to

I'm just curious as to why water data throughout Canada is very hit or
miss. I guess I've answered my own question with "it's still in progress"
but I'm curious nonetheless. I did check the message archives going a year
back and didn't see anything regarding inland water data.

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