On 2018-09-27 05:42 PM, talk-ca-requ...@openstreetmap.org wrote:
What happened during the import of inland water data?

Maybe people realized the poor quality of the data, and found positive ways to contribute instead?

Throw in flack from Germany
...and Canada!

Waterways change in thirty years; ask anyone in Calgary doing recreation nearby; the 2013 flood changed many things.  Satellite imagery covers the new reality.  CanVec/GeoBase do not.  And landcover can change dramatically in such time.

As to great vast areas of white on the map, I'd rather see those remain blank, rather than filled with garbage data.  When I'm standing on the ground trying to cross a river, sometimes I swear at CanVec.  And yes, I have put in many many hours adding natural-feature detail from satellite, the hard way, trying to stay ahead of the CanVec imports, which I consider disastrous.  I figure, if there's already data in place, hopefully nobody will wipe it out with an import (again).

So please, nobody pretend there's consensus here that CanVec/GeoBase imports are a good thing.

That's my two bits, now sorry, I have to leave the internet for a few days.  I'm going out to play in the woods, where hand-edited OSM will help me immensely.

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