On Nov 1, 2018, at 1:53 PM, John Whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you confusing the availability of Open Data with an import?

No, I am not.

> Most imports need plans

No, ALL imports need plans.

> but just because Open Data is available does not mean the license is 
> compatible nor that it will be imported.

I'm simply getting ahead of a curve and some, uh, let's say "could have gone 
better" experiences, here.  Yet, try as I may to get a wider OSM community in 
Canada to share their intentions (by publishing the particular status of a 
city's license status on a wiki, for example) most of what I see is "pure deep 
freeze."  OK, you are Canadian, maybe that was a poor choice of words.  I see 
"very little forward momentum" in clear, wide communication of either intention 
or actual progress.  Sure, I understand (as Alessandro said "sometimes things 
don't 'hatch right'") yet there is nothing wrong with the occasional step 
backwards, so long as it is accompanied by a couple (or even three) steps 

> My feeling is the wiki page lists open data and indicates if the license is 
> compatible.

If you mean 
 those haven't been TOUCHED (by me, no less) in almost nine months.  Is "your 
feeling" the actual truth?  I have no idea.  I might suggest you double-check, 
and have another OSM volunteer double-check YOUR work.  This is what I do in 
our wiki (about the status of data in our map) and yes, you can do so, too.

> We do not need a plan for every potential source only those that someone is 
> planing to import.

No, but it does need to be ODbL-compatible and if it even has a whiff of an 
Import, (as much of this does, but there is so much "stovepiping" of data going 
on in our "OPEN" project — it's our first name) that I can't really tell.

I honestly don't like to sound so belligerent, yet I see the same sort of 
secretive, "where the heck did this come from" sorts of paths being gone down 
again.  So, I feel compelled to say something.  Believe me, I struggle to 
remain polite here.

OSM deserves high-quality data, vetted widely, shareable by more than some 
bureaucrats in a federal office for their own purposes, with members of the 
public wittingly or unwittingly are "pulled into a crowdsourcing effort" (or 
something that seems like one, but actually isn't).

PLENTY of people are watching, as we are an OPEN data project, yet I continue 
to see people who do not act like it.  John, you've done a pretty good job of 
sharing history, future intended directions, hopefulness that the data that 
eventually make it into OSM can and will be widely used/shared/enjoyed by many, 
yet what I see is a largely opaque process.  OPEN it up!

Thank you,
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