On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:55:43PM +0100, SteveC wrote:
> The license is interesting, because if you think about it and I was  
> evil then I would join the people who like the public domain. Because  
> then it would be much easier for my company, and others, to do what  
> they liked with the data and kill OSM. Instead we have taken the  
> harder path because I think it is much better for the long term  
> survival and health of the project to have a reciprocal license.

A great! We are falling back into medieval language now. Public domain is evil.
Its not an option we can seriously discuss. Its evil and everbody who is for
public domain is evil. End of discussion. Glad we cleared that up.

Weren't you trying to get more communication going?

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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