Hello Mike,

>Just catching up on my talk-GB email and was looking at Nick's nice new 
free-map. Ilkley Moor is on, so it is >clearly Ideologically Sound. 


>Thanks Nick.

>The Yorkshire moors look very "empty" though.  There is a whole wealth of 
detail that can be added from NPE and> >local knowledge.  Many 
non-population locality names though do not fit our standard tagging.   I 
wondered what >other folks are doing?  Do you think tagging for local 
cultural practice a good or a bad thing? If yes, is >anyone working on 
this? Do you have any favourite tags that you would like to share?

>Here are some I've been trying out for northern Yorkshire:

>natural=moor  - self explanatory, I've added a couple of hundred of these 
if Nick wants to render them. hint, hint.  :-) 

>natural=fell - for name tagging where the sides or a side of a hill are 
named rather than a peak. Just a few done.

>natural=erratic - for large single natural stones or groups of stones 
whether truly glacial erratics or not.

>natural=cliff - Here I am doing the reverse, stretching an existing tag 
for mapping scars, which are often steep but not vertical or very high.

>historic= tumulus, stone_circle, standing_stone, mine, adit, shaft, 
bell_pit, industrial, road (Roman roads), house, church ...

These sound good ideas. Must update the Freemap rendering (as you say) to 
reflect many of these as they would make some of the more upland rural 
areas more interesting on the map.


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