On 31 March 2010 15:16, Tristan Thomas <tristan.tho...@wikinewsie.org>wrote:

> As a rare contributor, sorry if my questions seem a bit obvious.  What does
> this actually mean?  ie. will OSM now have every single street in it (once
> imported obviously) and so contributors won't be able to contribute by
> adding roads (other than new ones)?

I don't know exactly what is going to make it from OS to OSM yet, but... It
is still good (very important in my opinion) for the map to be checked.
For one reason, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Copyright_Easter_Eggs

You can check roads while adding valuable other data, bicycle racks,
recycling bins, restaurants, shops, and stuff that might not be on the OS
maps (or not on what they have released).

In some places it may even be tricky to do an automatic bulk import of OS
data, because of duplicating extensive data already added to OSM.

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