On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 05:57:16PM +0100, TimSC wrote:
> I was looking at the available OS data and one of the things they have 
> but is not really in the current OSM database is building shapes.

That depends on the area I guess.

> Individual buildings appear in the Street View data. The VectorMap 
> District data seems to focus on land use and only has "important" 
> buildings. The Street View data is much more complete in terms of 
> individual buildings. I guess the questions we have to address are: "is 
> this data worth having in OSM?" and "are there any better sources of 
> building outline?" I think it would be a valuable addition for highly 
> detailed mapping of urban areas, campuses, etc.

Having looked at some of the StreetView data aroud my area, it is not
very accurate at all (probably out of date).

This isn’t something we can just blindly import, trace, or otherwise use
and assume it’s of better quality.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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