Hi all,

Here is part of an email I sent to a few councils regarding rights of way data (footpaths, bridleways, etc):

I have a big and fairly complicated request regarding the definitive map. I am interested in making data more accessible to the public (as encouraged by central government [1]). It would be great if the rights of way data could be released without restriction, specifically the definite map. As you probably know, the rights of way data is derived from Ordnance Survey products which until now has prevented this data being released without restriction because of copyright. However OS will soon introduce the Public Sector Mapping Agreement which defines how government bodies can use OS products [2]. This includes a new mechanism for public bodies to request datasets that have been derived from OS products to be release either licensed as "OS OpenData" or "Free to Use" (section 2.5 of the license [3]).
[1] http://data.gov.uk/
[2] http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/business/sectors/government/psma/ [3] http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/business/sectors/government/psma/docs/psma-member-licence.pdf

Kent County Council wrote back:

Dear Mr Sheerman-Chase
Thank you for your email.
I will forward your suggestions and comments to the Head of the Service
and Definitive Map Team.
Kind regards
Countryside Access Service

Does anyone have any ideas on how to actually get the councils to apply to OS to exempt their data and release it? Currently, I get the impression that they don't rate data openness as a high priority - they just nod and smile until I go away. It would be good to get this data for quality assurance or even ... dun dun dunnnnn... importing. Could we start a petition? Or use any contacts the community has to make this happen? Any other data sets worth liberating?

Once we have set a precedent, it should be easier to get other councils to comply, because of the way the OS exemption process works.


Regards, TimSC

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