Hi all,

It has been a very long time since I last posted here!

I'm trying to use the Overpass API to extract all the roads within the
bounds of a relation, in this case a local government ward. Can anyone spot
the problem in the data?

Here's the example I'm working with:

The problem is that some roads aren't being downloaded with the query.

If you follow that link and run the query, you'll see that the top section
of Belvedere Road, and all of Landsdowne Place, are excluded. There are a
few others like this on the edges of the area.

I thought it might be because the way used by the boundary relation runs
down the same nodes as those roads. But just at the top of those roads, the
A-Road Church Road is downloaded despite being represented in the data in
the same way.

I tried putting a 'kink' in the boundary way down at the other end of
Landsdowne Place where it meets Fox Hill so it 'encompasses' a node, but
that didn't help.

I hope this all makes sense, and maybe somebody can help?


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