I've had a play with this since I've been working with overpass turbo a bit
recently; the best I've come up with so far is something like this:
  http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/fPR (waaaay over-commented ;))
As you'll see, this does include these roads, but does also include roads
leaving the area.
If you un-comment the relation, then that shows the boundary too, which I
found useful for debugging.
This may be able to be simplified/optimised, but I've gone with what works,
and I switched to using a timeout/json as I'm used to that :)
If the ways missing were part of the relation then I think
way(r.A)[highway][name] should select them too, but that's not how the
relation is composed.

Hope that gives some other ideas, if nothing else :)


On 23 April 2016 at 14:20, Tom Chance <t...@acrewoods.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> It has been a very long time since I last posted here!
> I'm trying to use the Overpass API to extract all the roads within the
> bounds of a relation, in this case a local government ward. Can anyone spot
> the problem in the data?
> Here's the example I'm working with:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/fPI
> The problem is that some roads aren't being downloaded with the query.
> If you follow that link and run the query, you'll see that the top section
> of Belvedere Road, and all of Landsdowne Place, are excluded. There are a
> few others like this on the edges of the area.
> I thought it might be because the way used by the boundary relation runs
> down the same nodes as those roads. But just at the top of those roads, the
> A-Road Church Road is downloaded despite being represented in the data in
> the same way.
> I tried putting a 'kink' in the boundary way down at the other end of
> Landsdowne Place where it meets Fox Hill so it 'encompasses' a node, but
> that didn't help.
> I hope this all makes sense, and maybe somebody can help?
> Tom
> web: http://tomchance.org
> twitter: http://twitter.com/tom_chance
> facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TomChanceGP
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