On 16/08/2016 21:57, Colin Smale wrote:

Having just received another "too busy mapping" response to a changeset comment I have requested DWG to give alexkemp a 0-minute block to remind him of his duty to engage with the community in a proper way.

We (the Data Working Group) normally use 0-hour blocks as a "message that has to be read" for people who may have misconfigured email, to make sure that messages really are being seen by the mapper concerned. I normally end up writing a sentence along the lines of "... you'll be able to continue mapping immediately after reading this" just to make it clear that it's not a block as such (temporary or permanent).

I don't believe that a 0-hour block is appropriate in this case as there's no evidence that messages aren't being read (actions would suggest that they are). Following up on previous messages to Alex I've added a discussion comment to http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/41481784 asking for the "out of office" messages not to be sent.

Obviously what we want to happen is to get everyone's engagement with how and why boundaries have been mapped as they are so far, and I've suggested that the talk-gb list is probably the best place for that (there's also the East Mids pub meetup in Derby next week, where a number of the protagonists will be present). The more general point is (and this is a line that appears in many of the DWG messages that I send) that OSM is a collaborative project, and we need to work together to create the best map. This doesn't mean that "the way that it is done now" is always right, but it does mean listening to other people, and a discussion putting across all points of view needs to be had. It's worth pointing out that the discussion so far has certainly been useful to me, not least in learning that "is_in" is processed by Nominatim (to an extent at least - see https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2016-August/076596.html et al).

On a more general point one of the things that is often a surprise and a frustration to people and companies coming into OSM anew (especially companies) is that everything moves quite slowly - it's about creating a Canaletto rather than Sid from down the road applying a couple of coats of Dulux. I suspect that that the speed perception might be a factor here too.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend (SomeoneElse)

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