On 16/08/2016 17:28, Colin Smale wrote:

Dave, if the is_in values are based on common usage rather than administrative reality, then it would actually be correct to leave them unchanged.

If a better way of doing something is created then the old methods become redundant & should be removed for the reasons Andy Allan mentioned in a previous post in this thread. Sarah Hoffmann's reply in the Talk thread I posted clearly says is_in:* "is unnecessary"

The point I am trying to make, is that I see a need to support a variety of addressing/location systems, which are all correct in their own way, but useful for different things.

As far as I can see is_in:* is used for the same things as boundaries, but is less efficient & prone to errors.

Are you aware of any utilities that use is_in:*?

Dave F.
Talk-GB mailing list

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