Hi Brian,

Great to see this going forward! Some technicalities:

> Process overview

This is not very clear to me. I think this section either needs more
detail, or less (with the detail moved to the individual steps). Also, what
do you mean with opening a csv in JOSM?

> Each chunk will create a separate changeset in OSM

This is not correct, all chunks will be uploaded within one changeset. See
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Action/Upload for how uploading in
chunks in JOSM work.

On the process detail: what will happen with current bus stops in OSM that
do not have Naptan tags? Perhaps it would be best to add the NaptanCode (or
AtcoCode) manually for these stops first? Can't be too many of them.

"Use a proximity script to determine presence of duplicates. How to handle
duplicates?" I don't think we need a proximity script or anything like
that, we can just do matching on NaptanCode or AtcoCode. So: for all bus
stops, if there is a bus stop with a matching NaptanCode already in OSM,
update that bus stop; if not, create a new bus stop.

The Naptan database contains abbreviations like Rd, Ln, St. Will we leave
those, or are we going to expand them into Road, Lane, Street etc, as is
usually done in OSM? The bus stops in West Midlands have the abbreviations
written out as well.

In general, I think it would be good to have some more information in the
process detail before going ahead - but I'm sure this will sort itself out
over the next weeks.

Good luck with the import, it's a great step forward!

-- Matthijs

On 3 February 2017 at 18:52, Brian Prangle <bpran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> We have an opportunity to work with the regional transport authority TfWM
> to update this data which is 8 years old and partially edited by OSM users.
> They have assigned 2 developers to work on this and I'm spending a half day
> each week working with them.
> We've agreed and discussed this in our mappa mercia group and also
> contacted a prolific local public transport OSM editor who's not part of
> our group.
> In line with the automated edits policy there's a wikipage
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Automated_Edit_West_Midlands_NAPTAN_data>
> with full details
> Comments welcome as this exercise might be useful elswhere as the state of
> NAPTAN data will be in a similar state
> regards
> Brian
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