Sorry, for clarity, both '20 mph zones' and '20mph limits' are actual
legal limits, not just advisory. In the former case, the sign on entry to
the zone coupled with the traffic calming is thought to be enough to make
drivers aware of the reduced speed required.

On Wed, 2 May 2018, 11:54 Jez Nicholson, <> wrote:

> Oh, this is fun. So, correct me if i'm wrong: a "20 mph zone" doesn't
> have/need repeaters because it is not actually the legal speed limit. It is
> advisory to travel at that speed because traffic calming makes it hard not
> to.
> On Wed, 2 May 2018 at 11:36 Adam Snape <> wrote:
>> The school lights I'm aware of which refer to a maximum speed are
>> advisory rather than mandatory. The actual legal speed limit remains the
>> same.
>> Adam
>> On Wed, 2 May 2018, 11:17 Brian Prangle, <> wrote:
>>> Just to further complicate matters there can also be conditional 20 mph
>>> speed limits on roads passing schools, so they're default 30mph unless the
>>> condition is met when they're 20 mph  - condition is usually flashing
>>> lights during school opening and closing times
>>> Regards
>>> Brian
>>> On 1 May 2018 at 20:11, Tobias Zwick <> wrote:
>>>> Wow, this now is really helpful information! So good that you are on
>>>> this list, this is exactly the kind of thing I was seeking when posting
>>>> to here!
>>>> Some replies and notes:
>>>> 1.
>>>> > It even more common to believe that Restricted Roads are not NSL
>>>> > roads. NSL Restricted Roads are a type of NSL road.
>>>> How does it matter though? What does the keyword "NSL" imply?
>>>> 2. Also, what about dual carriageways (nsl_dual) that are lit? Will they
>>>> then also default to 30 mph if there is no explicit sign that indeed one
>>>> can go faster than that?
>>>> 3. So, from the document, I understand an "LSL for individual roads"
>>>> would be "maxspeed:type=sign" translated to OSM while "LSL for zones"
>>>> would be "maxspeed:type=GB:zoneXX" translated to OSM.
>>>> I see in "OSM speak", we drop the "LSL" for these, but do not for the
>>>> "NSL" stuff. General question, not directed specifically to you: Isn't
>>>> that inconsistent?
>>>> 4. I see you use "UK:something". I think to use "GB:something" has
>>>> somewhat established itself over UK by now, looking at taginfo. (Also,
>>>> the ISO-3166 of United Kingdom is GB)
>>>> 5. I see you use "UK:zone_XX" instead of "UK:zoneXX". Also looking at
>>>> taginfo, I think that the latter somewhat established itself over the
>>>> former now: About 100,000 usages of XX:zoneYY, about 34,000 usages of
>>>> XX:zone:YY and about 0 usages of XX:zone_YY
>>>> ---
>>>> By the way, offtopic this:
>>>> Do not assume though that the UK is the only country with unnecesary
>>>> complex maxspeed legislation. Look at this flow-chart created by Minh
>>>> Nguyễn after researching this for Ohio, US: :-D
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Tobias
>>>> On 01/05/2018 20:19, Jason Cunningham wrote:
>>>> > I had a bit of an interest in tagging speed limits a few years back.
>>>> > It's way more complicated than it should be in the UK. Researching led
>>>> > me down a bit of a rabbit hole of legislation & case law.
>>>> >
>>>> > I made the following personal notes about UK limits and how to
>>>> recognise
>>>> > them, which I think is mostly correct.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I personally tagged restricted roads as
>>>> maxspeed:type=UK:nsl_restricted
>>>> >
>>>> > All a bit of a mess though.
>>>> >
>>>> > Jason
>>>> >
>>>> >
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