On Wed, May 02, 2018 at 05:17:56PM +0100, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
> We're now one month in to the current Quarterly Project, which aims to
> use some official Post Office Ltd. branch data released under the OGL
> to help improve the mapping of Post Offices in OpenStreetMap.

I am confused :-) How should a Royal mail local delivery office be
tagged? It seems that it is not amenity=post_office. I notice that 
I have used post_depot once some time ago, but that doesn't seem to be
in the wiki (or in the presets for josm). Yet I am sure that I got it
from somewhere. Not that it seems very natural.

I would have thought that this a common situation, so I am a bit bemused
that it doesn't seem to be covered anywhere. Or am I missing
something blindingly obvious?


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