On 04/05/18 12:28, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
Or do people think we should use amenity=post_office for them with
some other tagging used to differentiate things? If we did want to use
other tagging to differentiate, then operator=* wouldn't work, as most
Post Office branches are run by third parties. network=* or brand=*
could do, but it would be complicated to use either on objects which
are tagged with both amenity=post_office and e.g. shop=convenience,
since we wouldn't know which part the tags were referring to.

Our local post office is now situated in a local supermarket while the main postbox is still located outside it's previous home. Post Office hours are shorter than the opening for the shop although some services are available full time which adds to the fun tagging it. In addition two other local shops are drop-off points for other other carriers with one also a collection point for held deliveries. The published details for some of these service points is already wrong but trying to add a comprehensive set of tags covering everything is I think wishfull thinking? Especially when the shop handles several courier services? This is an area where secondary databases should be linked to provide the fine detail and just a generic tag with an ID to access that data. Trying to map all the secondary data is silly, but it's not helped when postoffice.co.uk don't list the independent post offices in there search results! According to them Broadway does not have a post office ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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