On 07/09/2018 12:37, Martin Wynne wrote:

But it's not a useful indicator, because it's least reliable precisely in the cases where you are most uncertain.

Surely the more uncertain you are, the more useful an indicator becomes?

Only if the indicator is reliable though, And it's least likely to be reliable when other observational factors are inconclusive.

The presence or absence of a row of street lamps is not a wishy-washy legal opinion, or an argument in the local pub. It is an undisputed fact, to be called in evidence when someone demands an explanation for your mapping.

But that only applies to that particular street. What do you do when somewhere has some streets that are fully lit and some that aren't? Are you planning to go round every street in a settlement, check the street lights, total them all up and then use that to decide whether it's a town or a village? Especially when you can just look it up!


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