On 02/09/2019 23:13, Warin wrote:

On 3/9/19 2:53 am, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote:
On 02/09/2019 14:58, David Woolley wrote:
This could conflict with a trend that I believe is developing, at least for more formal roads, of removing signage, because it distracts drivers, and relying on satellite navigators to provide the information instead.

What evidence have you of this "trend"?

I too, would like to hear of evidence of this 'trend'.

Google "reducing sign clutter" for the general principle. Use of sat nav as an alternative I might have heard on the radio, or in a local paper. However <https://www.driverknowledgetests.com/resources/what-is-signage-clutter-and-how-do-we-reduce-it/> is the only reference I can find to that, online, in a quick search.

I think, in practice, it why local councils often don't bother to fix AWOL and broken street name signs, even when told about them.

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