1 Jan 2020, 08:13 by mar...@templot.com:
> Thanks, but the problem is that landuse=highway is not a valid tag. 
> Voting on it was suspended in 2013 after several votes against, see:
>  > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/landuse%3Dhighway
It is ok to use tags that were never voted on
and ones that lost votes.
> However, I have discovered that highway=track, *area=yes* is valid - as 
> evidence of that it is rendered on the standard map as a light brown infill
This is a misuse of the Standard Map Style.

It is not defining correct use.

(I am author of current road rendering
in this map style, or to be more specific
- person who did last major redesign)

> betweenthe fences with the existing highway=track as a routable way 
> superimposed over it, in darker brown.
This is not an intended use of
highway=track + area=yes,
its valid use is for squares/areas
on highway=track, where vehicles drive in any directions

It is typical in logging camps,
where wood is stored, moved between vehicles,
processed etc.

In case of wide and frequent misuse
rendering of highway=track + area=yes
will be removed to discourage it.

It happened before with highway=proposed
and area rendering for tourism=attraction
> It seems odd to have highway=track twice, but if that's what it takes to have 
> a meaningful mapping for an area of land, I'm happy to do it that way. 
> Presumably the developers of the standard map know what they are doing.
This is a mapping for renderer and 
it is incorrect.

Developer of the Standard Map Style
sending this message is not approving
this kind of tagging.

Please use area:highway for road areas
and landuse=highway for area used for
road infrastructure if you want to map this kind of thing.
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