Hi all

I'd like to map St Leonard's Priory, Stamford, Lincs:

This is a 'scheduled monument'.

   1. The wiki is a bit inconsistent on *how to tag* this.
      1. Key:listed_status
      suggests I should tag it <listed_status=Scheduled Monument>.
      2. The table at Key:HE_ref
      <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:HE_ref> would suggest that
      may not be the right tag, as <listed_status=*> is only given for listed
      buildings - a different legal category.
      3. I've found plenty of the former in the map, so I'm assuming that's
      correct and the table at HE_ref needs amplifying

      2. I've also got a puzzle about *how to give the ref. number*.
      1. Key:listed_status
      <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:listed_status#England> invites
      me to use <HE_ref=*>.
      2. Key:heritage
      <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:heritage#England> invites me
      to use <ref:he=*>

      I've tried using overpass-turbo to get relative frequencies of those
      two tags. I get the following (for most but not all of England, so ymmv:
      north of ~Barnard Castle not in my bounding box, but that wasn't a
      political decision...).

      I can't interpret it fully, but it looks like ref:he may be worth
      deleting from the wiki as obsolete?

      Loaded – nodes: 46397, ways: 5541, relations: 124
      Displayed – pois: 591, lines: 634, polygons: 4770

      Loaded – nodes: 2274, ways: 176, relations: 1
      Displayed – pois: 31, lines: 10, polygons: 166

Thanks for any help.

Edward / eteb3
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