Dear Stuart,
this is a very exiting and amazing initiative.
Do you have intention to organise the same event in Rome in other Italian 
cities? Could be possible to open a call in the project in other to create 
similar initiative, like drinking fountain hut, in other cities?
I’m living in Milan and the drinking fountain is an institution in my city 
(usually named vedovelle, mean little widows because they are alone and 
abandoned in the city).



> On 20 Jan 2020, at 08:11, European Water Project 
> <> wrote:
> Dear Giovanni,
> A bit of feedback on the genesis of the project - I am sorry if this email 
> rambles and is off topic. I promise not to repeat as this forum is for OSM. 
> In Divonne-les-bains, France, our mayor and a developer from Perpignan had a 
> project to build a water bottling project to bottle 400 million bottles of 
> water in PET for export to Asia.  About 1-year ago, I got very involved and 
> with a couple of others we created a non-profit association called 
> StopEmbouteillage. Initally, the vast majority of Divonnais and everyone from 
> the municipal council supported the project. 
> After months of hard work by a large group of active members (more than 7000 
> flyers passed out), legal action from Swiss authorities just across the 
> border, and a media presence (TV, radio, press, social media) we were 
> successful in changing the opinion dramatically. The mayor had no choice but 
> to kill the project or deal with a riot among the citizens and council 
> members.
> Through the process of managing the FB page for the association, I learned 
> how critical the plastic situation on our planet really is. I won't go on too 
> long on this subject, but in addition to multiple 7th continents of plastic 
> in the Pacific which everyone talks about, the micro-plastics in the 
> Mediterranean are rivers and lakes is incredibly high. According to recent 
> studies, on average everyone of us is ingesting about 5 grams of plastic per 
> week, in our fish, meat, vegetables and water. I decided to try to help make 
> a difference with this project  ... even in a small symbolic way. 
> In September, when visiting my son graduating from the University of Bristol, 
> inn the UK, we noticed water fountains everywhere with a Refill label and 
> many cafés which had the same. After many discussions, we decided not to 
> partner with Refill due to their insistence on keeping all data proprietary 
> and being obliged to sell Chilly bottles. I believe that an open data 
> collaborative model is better suited for the task of building and maintaining 
> a global database of potable water bottle refill stations. 
> On the 8th of January, we had the chance to be able to launch our project and 
> application at the United Nations in front of 800 students for 32 countries 
> in the presence of Fabrizio Hochshild, Assistant Secretary-General of the 
> United Nations and Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of 
> the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU. 
> Now, to answer your question - which is a very good one. 
> The photo approach has been chosen in large part to build user engagement and 
> make the application more interactive. Adding hundred's of photos of standard 
> fountains is not the goal... But here in France and across the border in 
> Switzerland we have quite a few beautiful stone ones with enormous character. 
> I have heard wonders about the fountains in Italy and I am looking forward to 
> discovering for myself. We plan to visit Zaragoza, Spain later this year.  
> Zurich, Lucerne and Bern, Switzerland are very active as well. 
> Best regards,
> Stuart 
> On Sun, 19 Jan 2020 at 23:11, Cascafico Giovanni < 
> <>> wrote:
> The project is really interesting: I often needed to find places for refill 
> as a cyclist and RV user. But still,  since project aims to have a 
> comprehensive map of drinking/refilling places, I wonder why a photo approach 
> has been chosen. 
> Maybe a point-click-upload is more sexy than a boring survey app? Or prospect 
> to see your image online can trigger a sort of gamification? Or both?
> Of course photos (mapillary, openstreetcam, commons or whatever) are not an 
> issue, but I don't think they will add more value to simple OSM nodes with 
> approprieate tags (BTW bottle=yes|no is important).
> Il dom 19 gen 2020, 21:37 European Water Project 
> < <>> ha 
> scritto:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Our main goal is to get as many refill points for water bottles as possible 
> on the map, either fountains or participating café and bars.
> And then to get people to use them and stop buying plastic. 
> I am not sure why adding photos of fountains to Wikimedia commons which shows 
> the fountain in its spacial context is an issue. 
> Would you prefer the photos be linked to wikidata items and then have the 
> wikidata item number added to the OSM node? 
> Best regards,
> Stuart
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2020, 20:52 Cascafico Giovanni < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello Stuart,
> I think collecting hundreds of (similar) photos is not useful for what the 
> project aims to.
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