Sorry for not being able to speak Japanese.

2009/9/24 S.Higashi <>

> Lambert coordinates     ?
> Lambert crosspiece      ?
> Lambert zone    ?
> UTM20N Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot 1949     ?
> UTM20N Guadeloupe Ste-Anne 1948 ?
> UTM20N Martinique Fort Desaix 1952      ?

Those are values for the French plugin Cadastre. Lambert is a coordinate
system used only in metropolitan France. UTM20N are coordinate systems used
for the French islands in the Caribean. I don't think they need to be
translated as they are all names.
For Lambert, you may want to translate only the words coordinates (座標),
crosspiece, and zone.

Emilie Laffray
Talk-ja mailing list
