Am 11.01.2011 13:14, schrieb Vincent Privat:

2011/1/11 Michał Borsuk < <>>

    Am 11.01.2011 10:34, schrieb Claudius Henrichs:

    Arguments for relations in each direction:
    - easier to check correctness and completeness (simply select
    each direction's relation in JOSM)
    - easier to manage routes where the vehicle takes different
    routes and stops in each direction
    ...which is very rare in Europe.

I strongly disagree, it's a very common situation in my city (Toulouse, France). And I don't think at all it's a local specifity.

I have no time to analyze the entire network, so I followed line 78. Not at all complicated, around Saint-Orens-de-Gameville it does split, that's all what I can see. A split into two can be marked as roles, or ignored. Please: everybody remember, the aim of this map is not to compete with timetables, the map is supposed to show where (in which street) the bus passes regularly, not exactly where it goes. It is a map, after all.

    This has been proposed some time ago as a reply to oxomoa's
    messiness with data structures. So somebody suggested a bigger
    mess to make order in a smaller mess. Gib's ein Wort für
    "efficiency" in deutsche Sprache? Can nobody really see how much
    more complicated and time-consuming this is becoming? At the cost
    of what, gaining 5% in data structure clarity? For me the gain
    isn't really worth the time.

It's a possibility, not an obligation.
Au contraire. This will become an obligation de facto. And that is actually good.

    I strongly support this proposal which 90% reflect how I'm
    currently mapping in Europe and Asia.
    Think of new users.

I am a new user. And I'm waiting for this proposal acceptation, because the current schema is far too simple, and far too basic, to properly modelize the public transport network I'm using every day. A "new user" is not always a user who cannot understand this schema.
I have mapped an area of 2500km², with ca. 100 regular bus lines. It works.

Best regards, mit freundlichen Grüssen, meilleurs sentiments, Pozdrowienia,

Michał Borsuk

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