Am 11.01.2011 10:40, schrieb Jo:
For the record: I prefer to have one relation for each direction of the bus route, as this allows to indicate 'exactly' where the buses pass.
Has OpenStreetMap turned into a timetable, or is it still intended to be a map?

We are not mapping merely for the ability to draw a map of the bus routes,
Did I miss the moment when it was decided?
but also to allow PT routing eventually.
Have you look into the complexity of the problem? Seriously, are you aware what is behind a typical bus timetable program? I know Hafas from the inside, I have seen the timetable data. What you see inside is WAY more complicated than what you see at the bus stop. Granted, Germans tend to complicate things beyond necessity, but even in an American version buses make detours, e.g. off peak hours, and often such runs are not on the map because they are not regular lines/runs *). To be able to put everything on the map would be practically beyond our abilities at the moment, and it would require another layer. *I am not at all discouraging the development of a layer with a timetable*, surely this is a beautiful idea, but please people reassure me that you know what you're getting us into.

*) that is my rule: if bus doesn't pass at least four times a day in the country, and more often in the city, it is not a regular line, therefore not on the map, as there is no use for John Doe with a GPS.

Thus for now - and in my opinion it will be quite a long "now" before the timetable layer is anywhere near completion - I vote for something far simpler than yet another oxomoa. Something that will allow future expansion. Yes, it's difficult, but we aren't stupid. I have already written how I see it, but you people are blind set on this new standard like there is no alternative. And pardon me, unlike certain other users, I am not promoting "my" ideas just because I used them for a long time, but I have thought of the efficiency as well.

BTW I have entered some thousands of bus stops, and if I was to follow the new schema (and I should, after all it's a proposed standard, and I'm not an anarchist), I assume it would take 2 to 4 times as much time.

Let me make my point clear: a standard is needed. But if we develop a new standard, let it also meet the following qualities (next to "clarity of data"):
*ease of use,
*sensible learning curve.


Best regards, mit freundlichen Grüssen, meilleurs sentiments, Pozdrowienia,

Michał Borsuk

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