Am 10.02.2011 19:50, schrieb Michael von Glasow:
What I
am certain of is that OSM can represent public transport routes,
possibly with some concessions on precision (such as not handling some
route variants).

Yes and no. That is, to some extent: in cities perhaps all the main lines, but not all. Not even 90% with difficult concessions.

The present trend (at least in the places in Europe I've analyzed) is that "line" is a collection of "runs", not a single path from a to b. The line itself is more and more often obscured from the user, because modern routing software (namely HAFAS in Germany) allows such management.

You will not find a list of routes on the website of my transport company. All that is available is a map, but with very simplified route display. Granted, I don't live in a typical city, it's an urban nightmare, neither dense city, nor a village, rather a spread suburb, but it's not unique in Europe, and very usual in North America.

Bottom line: the concept of line as known is disappearing in many places.



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