On 12 Nov 2009, at 6:14 , Andy Allan wrote:

> I disagree there. It's much better to put the effort in during the
> initial import, than to import things badly and try to fix it up
> later. We've been working on lots of post-import fixups in the last 6
> months and it's much harder than everyone assumes. The 4 months to
> remove TIGER node tags is a case in point - it took less time than
> that to import them!

Give everyone a chance to work in a constructive way and don't expect  
others to clean the mess bad import left behind.
No wonder there are only few motivated mappers in US. In Canada they  
do a much better job in integrating the community and don't import  
every shape file blindly just because it's available.

> Cheers,
> Andy

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