On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's a fairly well established convention that in OSM it's the
> houses/plots, not the road centrelines, that are addressed.

But that doesn't always reflect reality.  The reality, at least in
many parts of the world, is that the streets are given blocks of
potential addresses, and the houses/plots/whatever are given actual
addresses from those potential address blocks.

> I'd say it's better to approximate the gap between the road and the houses
> (10m?) than to just put it on the centreline due to that being easier.

First of all, how would you approximate the gap?  You mean by hand?

Secondly, what if the houses aren't yet there?  Tiger address data
represents *potential* address blocks, not *actual* address blocks.
There may or may not be any actual houses along those roads.

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