On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Phil! Gold <phi...@pobox.com> wrote:
> * David ``Smith'' <vidthe...@gmail.com> [2010-05-14 23:58 -0400]:
>> 5) The value of "addr:street=*" should contain the abbreviated form of
>> the street name according to USPS standards, regardless of the way the
>> street name is signed.
> The point of addr:street is to associate the address to a particular road,
> so its value needs to match the name of the road.  (There's also the
> associatedStreet relation, but more people use the addr:street tag.)

As Frederik already asserted, that's incorrect.  But if for some
reason you need to associate an object with a street without using an
AssociatedStreet relation, you could always give the street its own
addr:street tag with the same value as all of the objects along it,
which uses the same USPS-based abbreviation.  But I'm not sure what is
accomplished by associating objects with the street they're on.  (As
far as I know, the original point of the associatedStreet relation was
to automatically imply addr:street values for all of the objects by
using the street's name or addr:street value.  What you said is kind
of backwards from that.)

David "Smith"
a.k.a. Vid the Kid
a.k.a. Bír'd'in

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