I kind of doubt reverting changesets would work out very well.
Reverting a changeset becomes more difficult as time goes on and
things in that changeset are touched by other users. Then you get into
conflicts and other odd situations that are hard to handle.

I did some remapping in LA from TIGER 2011 and documented my approach:

It was not easy but allowed me to clear out a fair bit of dirty data.
It was mostly residential roads so I didn't have to bother with
relations and such which helped.

I kind of burned myself out on license remapping before the April 1st
"deadline" and haven't done much since.

As for determining exactly what blars did, I highly recommend the
"deep diff" service that Ian wrote:

It is also accessible from the OSM Inspector license change view by
clicking on the clock after selecting a dirty object.

Without some object IDs it is hard to say exactly what blars did. If
you have some specific examples, select them in JOSM and hit
CTRL-SHIFT-I to open a browser window with a link you can send to the
list. A lot of what I saw in LA looked like legitimate mapping to me.
He was active before the TIGER import so there is a lot of his
original data still around.


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