On 2013-03-08 12:48 PM, KerryIrons wrote:

I am heavily involved in the development of US Bicycle Routes (see
www.adventurecycling.org/usbrs) and it has come to my attention that
OpenStreetMap/OpenCycleMap have proposed maps for US Bicycle Routes 21, 25,
80, and 84 in KY, TN, AL, MS, and GA.  The routes are shown as dashed lines
but with the USBR numbers on them.  At the same time USBR 76 is shown as
proposed but in fact it has officially been designated in KY.

As of now there are only proposed corridors for these routes (50 mile wide
areas where a route could be developed) and so showing specific proposed
routes is beyond the current status of any of these USBRs.  It could be
argued that USBR 25 will likely follow the Adventure Cycling Underground
Railroad route but none of the states involved have applied for designation
of these routes with AASHTO, the official body in charge of the USBR system.

I would like to get in contact with the mapper(s) who put these routes into
OpenStreetMap/OpenCycleMap and clarify this.   We are always looking for
enthusiastic folks who want to work on the USBR system but in this case
putting detailed routes on maps is a source of confusion.

Please contact me at your convenience if you have been involved in putting
these routes into OpenStreetMap/OpenCycleMap.

I can't speak to the states you've listed, but I've helped to map the proposed USBR 50 in Ohio and hope to someday map other USBRs once plans move further along.

ODOT has gotten a number of county parks districts and city councils, going from west to east, to commit to a specific route and pass a resolution (based on ACA boilerplate) in favor of a USBR 50 designation. However, since ODOT hasn't gotten all the way to the West Virginia state line, I don't think they've filed an application with AASHTO yet.

Even so, I went ahead and mapped out portions (as a proposed route) where the local authorities have passed a resolution and posted it online. For the most part, there's only one path the route could conceivably take: along a series of popular, paved multi-use paths, most of which are part of regional route networks already. But I had to leave out downtown Dayton, for example, because the street-level route there isn't obvious. (I used the resolutions for evidence that the route has reached this "proposed" stage, but not for any route maps, due to copyright concerns.)

I hope my approach to mapping proposed USBR 50 in Ohio won't catch anyone by surprise. In this state at least, Map Maker contributors seem to be much more proactive/aggressive than OSMers in tagging proposed bike routes. In any case, one straightforward way to (automatically?) garner the attention and cooperation of OSM mappers would be to give permission to map finalized routes using official route descriptions or maps, under the terms of OSM's license.

Regarding USBR 21, I think it would make sense to keep the route in there but replace `ref=21` with `ref=UGRR`, reflecting the fact that Nathan actually mapped the Underground Railroad Route. He did this in Southwest Ohio already.

Minh Nguyen <m...@1ec5.org>
Jabber: m...@1ec5.org; Blog: http://notes.1ec5.org/

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