On 6/21/13 9:17 AM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:
During the TIGER import, small neighborhoods were imported as hamlets.

I am not sure what this means in rural areas, but in urban places,
hamlets are often just places like apartment complexes, or other
nondescript places.

i think this varies state-to-state.  the following applies to NY.

hamlets are not incorporated areas and have no government functions.

in urban areas, hamlets are generally once distinct communities
that have been absorbed into larger entities. they have no legal standing,
but frequently the postal service will still deliver based on the name.

in rural areas in NY, hamlets generally have white on green road signs
erected by the state highway department and may have a CDP boundary.
local post offices and/or school districts may use the same name as the

the CDP boundaries are at best vaguely related to the post office delivery
routes sharing the name.


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