On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:41 AM, James Mast <rickmastfa...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Also, I have noticed you've been doing some editing for the "Highway
> Directions In The United States" wiki page [1] and mention the "role =
> north;south" idea for single carriageways so that the routes could tell
> people which direction the way goes.  I think that might still need a
> little more discussion here on [talk-us] before we attempt to implement it
> and mention it on that page (maybe have a vote for that part on the talk
> page??).  I personally think it could work, but we would need all of the
> editors (JOSM, iD, Potlatch2) to have support to be able to reverse those
> roles correctly if somebody reverses the way.  Can't allow those to get
> messed up once added. (On a side note, iD doesn't alert you if you delete a
> way that's part of a relation yet, which isn't good at all.)

I'm still fairly strongly opposed for cardinal directions to be applied as
roles to member ways; easier to handle, even with existing tools, to use
child relations with the children having those roles in the super.  Then
all the members of the child relations can just be "forward/backward" as
applicable with "direction=west" or whatever tagged on the relation itself.
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