
Richard Fairhurst, posted an blog about attributing OSM this weekd.


Beyond attributing OSM, hopefully our large commercial users can take
it a step further and provide a way of editing OSM from their user
interface. For example, in August, Foursquare announced they were
going to build in editing interface.


I was interested in how that is going?

Also, in the same train of thought, It would be fantastic if
Craigslist could have an OSM edit button. If that is not possible, how
about at least updating the Craigslist tiles more often. Right now
Craigslist updates the tiles once a month. Even if a very motivated
Craigslist users understands what OSM is, that they can make an edit
in osm.org, and have it show up in Craigslist's maps, the slow tile
updates make it impossible to actually fix the map for a specific
Craigslist listing. There is no reason for a Craigslist user to update
OSM, if they can't get the map fixed in *their* listing.


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