People should checkout to error
checking their locality. This is a nice sidewalk checker.

One comment. I have a named footway, Kulshan Trail, that run east-west
through the middle of my city. While it occasionally is adjacent or near a
name highway, it shouldn't be associated with that way. It's name should
suffice for routing. Another example would be the Burke Gillman Trail in
Seattle. Everyone knows exactly what you are talking about. If I mention
the sidewalk adjacent to North North Lake Way, they'll look at me like I
don't know what I'm talking about.

For example osm-sidewalker wants to  tag "_osm_way_id": 222923323
"sidewalk", "proposed:associatedStreet": "Kulshan Avenue"

Does a named footpath need to be associated with a street? Shouldn't the
name be sufficient for routing?

I am getting to work with a nearby city to help them map their sidewalks.
I'm a strong proponent of using the sidewalk=both/right/left tag on the
road. (Although there are instances that footways have to be added in
manually.) It is easy to do in JOSM. Not so much in iD. I'd rather not
start off trying to teach people how to install JAVA and JOSM on Windows
laptops. Anyone have any good suggestions for tools to make it easy map

Looking to hear more about your efforts.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 4:19 AM, maning sambale <>

> Hi,
> We are working on improving tags for sidewalk in the US.  Details in
> this issue [0].
> The sidewalk detection algorithm runs OK in most cases but fails in
> some [1].  Mostly the contention was whether a footway separated by a
> grassy area from the road is considered a sidewalk which was already
> discussed in this list [2].
> The wiki defines sidewalk as "often separated from the carriageway (or
> roadway) by a kerb (also curb)". [3]
> As in most cases in OSM, we would like to defer to the local (US)
> community on how they define it.
> Thanks!
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> cheers,
> maning
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