On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Kevin Kenny <kken...@nycap.rr.com> wrote:

> On 11/06/2015 05:48 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
>> Stop rendering this key and instead render the relations
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >Is there*any*  map style that does this at the moment?
>>>>> >> >
>>>> >I believe Toby had a working mapnik-based renderer doing this on
>>> osm.us at
>>> >one point, though i'm not sure what became of this.
>>> >
>> it was never on osm.us so far as i know. the demo is still up here:
>> http://bl.ocks.org/ToeBee/raw/6119134/#13/42.6276/-73.8955
>> Phil Gold did a lot of work on this, but he's been busy with other things
>> and i haven't heard of any work on this in a while. i got a lot of the NYS
>> county route shields up and running.
> I have Phil's code adapted to my own use, and going at
> https://kbk.is-a-geek.net/catskills/test3.html?la=41.3476&lo=-74.6686&z=11
> (that particular spot shows Interstate, US Highway, NY, NJ, PA and county
> shields.)

Wow, that's a stunningly pretty American-style map there, and one I
wouldn't mind seeing on a potential map page on openstreetmap.us

I'm a little disappointed that none of the 'standard' renderers
> picked this up. (Then again, I'm disappointed in general with them.
> I've shared my opinion here before in the context of area features
> and nonsense like cutting lakes out of national forests in order
> not to show trees in them.)

I was really hoping the latest carto would have included relations and
graphical shields myself, since that's almost a throwaway ticklist item for
maps (and particularly online maps) the world over these days.
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