David, I would contact Nathan Mixter directly (in OSM, nmixter, import account 
Eureka gold) and ask him what he thinks, as he is (largely speaking) the 
original importer of these (and many other, very large) imports, many of which, 
unfortunately generated consternation or reversion.  You might ask him what his 
plans are to "upkeep" the data he has imported.

Nathan is a friend of mine I met in OSM (on a personal and "let's go 
hiking/camping/backpacking together" level) and I have helped him on both 
improving the Santa Cruz County (my home) and Monterey County (next door to 
both of us) landuse imports that he initiated.  Together, we did the 
single-county FMMP import of Monterey County (only, I didn't help with other 
counties) over many months (instead of the days Nathan thought it might take) 
as I wanted to convey the care, vetting, quality assurance and teamwork that 
such an endeavor truly requires to get it right (or much closer to right, as I 
still think Monterey County's landuse from this import is "pretty good," if I 
say so myself).  I/we documented what we did if you click around the links in 
our wiki, already introduced in this thread.

In short, these landuse polygons are indeed very large, unwieldy or virtually 
"just kill me now" highly difficult to edit using iD (PLEASE use JOSM to edit 
complex polygons like these!).  I declare that they aren't anything "sacred," 
especially as new human urban development simply outdates more and more edges 
of these data as obsolete.  Subtle differences between scrub and meadow, while 
I admire your diligence in determining "what is best" for a given area, are not 
hard-and-firm.  I'd characterize these FMMP imports as "2010-12 data, roughly 
applied to OSM to avoid large blank areas in California" (except Monterey 
County, were I was very careful to apply the lipstick carefully so there was no 
piggy ugliness about it).  So, should these FMMP import (multi)polygons need to 
be changed, edited, modernized and especially trimmed down to more manageable 
size, please, get a read from Nathan if you can, then take the controls of JOSM 
firmly in your hands and go for it!  Especially as those bulldozers build those 

Nathan, you might please chime in either on-list or via email to this distro; 
thank you.  If you wish, I additionally invite anybody to contact me off-list 
to ask about this topic should you care to know further details, though Nathan 
is the primary importer of these data.

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