Is there a way that the alt_name vs name situation can be sorted for a key like "operator"?

For example, the "San Jose Unified School District" in California gives too few results in overpass. Add queries for "San José Unified School District" and you are good.

If I was looking at the district, it would work to have the name without the accent as "name" and then, without the accent, it would be the "alt_name".

But there is no "operator" or "alt_operator" tag on the schools, so I guess I keep having to use this?

    // gather results
      // query part for: “operator="San Jose Unified School District"”
      node["operator"="San Jose Unified School District"];
      way["operator"="San Jose Unified School District"];
      relation["operator"="San Jose Unified School District"];
      node["operator"="San José Unified School District"];
      way["operator"="San José Unified School District"];
      relation["operator"="San José Unified School District"];
    // print results
    out body;
    out skel qt;

cheers - ray

On 12/27/19 9:57 PM, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Thanks, Tod.

BTW, I believe the "official_name" for all California counties is now
in the format "County of Los Angeles", right? This shouldn't be used
for the "name=" since almost everyone still puts the County last (e.g.
"Los Angeles County") in common usage, but official documents will use
the other way with "of" in the middle.

Joseph Eisenberg

On 12/28/19, Tod Fitch <> wrote:
Based on this discussion and my own checking to see what search engines are
doing with the data, I think it would be okay to move the alt_name tag value
to be a short_name value for the counties in California and Arizona where
the current alt_name tag is the same string as the name but without a “
County” suffix. For example:

alt_name=“Los Angeles”
name=“Los Angeles County”

Changed to

name=“Los Angeles County”
short_name=“Los Angeles”

 From my side this is now just a desire to be logical and consistent (not
always a trait seen in OSM tagging). My initial annoyance has been dealt
with on my topo map rendering by creating a Postgresql function that, among
other things, will ignore alt_name values if they fit the above criteria. As
noted by Joseph Eisenberg, the alt_name/short_name value could probably be
dropped in these cases but I suspect that will get more push back than
changing the tag.

— Tod

On Dec 27, 2019, at 7:21 PM, Joseph Eisenberg <>

It's not necessary to add an alternative like "Josephine" if the name=
is already "Josephine County" because geocoding and search application
already know to search for part of a name.

For example this search already finds the "Josephine County"
administrative boundary as the first result: - and there is no
short alt_name or short_name.

So I think there is no reason to have this information duplicated if
we are just worried about search.

-Joseph Eisenberg

On 12/27/19, stevea <> wrote:
I truly love the level of detail we get "coming out of the woodwork" so
we may have excellent real-life examples to share with one another (and
to one another, too!)

To be brief about it (rare for me, I endeavor to get better):  good
examples, discussion / dialog and sharing our real-world experiences and
knowledge is only going to help things.  If somebody reading now has a
more-concrete understanding of differences between old-, alt-,
and so on, hooray.  If such sharper focus finds its way into a
more-enlightened sentence or paragraph in a wiki, great.

Chip, chip, chipping away at it (are all of us),

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