Many years ago, I used Gentoo Linux as my primary O/S. I often wonder
if I should try it again. It's a source based, rolling release
distribution. Packages are compiled locally and usually dynamically
linked to shared libraries. If a package isn't compatible with the
latest release of a given library, it can be linked to an earlier

The problem I had with Gentoo was that a fair amount of work was
required to maintain the system, both by the user and with the time
needed for compiles (especially if a change triggered the need to
recompile a majority of the packages). If something broke, either
during compiling or when running, it could sometimes be frustrating
hunting down the fix or waiting for someone to solve the problem.
Having not used it for some time, I'm not sure if things have gotten
better in this respect.

It can also take some effort deciding and fiddling with how you want
to tailor it to your liking.

However, I found it was quite a nice system to use when things were
working properly.

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