Okay, I think I have solved the punctuation issue, at least for the second 
and third instance:  One needs to turn the various punctuations on in the 
Screen node of the Control Panel.  I don't like this solution as I don't wish 
to hear the punctuation spoken when I am reading by line, sentence etc.; I just 
want to be able to hear the punctuation when I cursor across it.  The speaking 
of the punctuation when I type it is a keyboard punctuation issue.
  As for the phantom space issue, this may be related to the way the insertion 
point is reported, either by Window-Eyes or by Google Docs.  Either way, it is 
quite awkward.
  I still have found no solution for re-enabling the editing of a document 
after erroneously entering Browse mode.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard G Applegate [mailto:richard.appleg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 6:42 PM
To: Window-Eyes Discussion List (talk@lists.window-eyes.com)
Subject: Window-Eyes 9 and Google Drive

Hello listers:
  I have just been tooling around with Google Drive and Window-Eyes 9.  Below 
are my observations based on a very brief test:
1.  For me, Window-Eyes does not read punctuation, either when I type it, 
cursor over it or when I backspace over it.
2.  I'm not sure whether it is Window-Eyes or Google Drive but at times there 
appears to be a phantom extra space between words.
3.  Upon hitting escape, I seem to have gone into browse mode which doesn't 
allow me to edit the current document.  Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to 
get back into "edit" mode.  I did try CTRL-SHIFT-a which perportedly took me 
out of Browse mode but I still was not able to edit my document.  Tabbing did 
little to help.  There is no "edit" on the page so I was unable to use the 
quick-nav method of finding the edit box and returning to "edit" mode.

  If anyone can point out my ignorance, on this issue only, or give me tips I 
would greatly appreciate it.

  Thanks in advance.

Richard G Applegate

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