
I too recieved the Windows 10 update, and after it was finished, I have
noticed several things different, and that no longer work as they once

the main issues so far is that my Becky Email program works as it should. 
I can grab emails sent to me, and I can write and send them.  The
problem is that WE 9.5 will not read the Body of the Text.

When opening an Email, I hear, "Veticle Edit" and then nothing.  Moving
the Arrows keys read nothing.  Moving the Mouse reads nothing. 
Attempting to read the entire screen reads nothing but the Menus and the
Titles of the Emails, but will not read the body of text.

I asked someone sighted and the text of the body is on screen, but WE
9.5 will not read it. 

Does anyone have a suggestion as what I can do to fix this?

I am using NVDA to read and write my Emails in Becky until I can figure
out or be shown a Fix.

Another thing, which has nothing to do with WE 9.5, is when I open my
Downlod Folder and I press F10, and arrow down to Send To-  

I press the Right Arrow, which opens Send To, and then I arrow down,
looking for the Flash drive that is plugged into one of the Systems USB
ports.  There are no drives listed.  

In fact, this Send To list is much shorter than before the Windows 10

At this point, I do not know if this New Shorter list is the New
Imporovments that come with the new Windows 10, or if I have had a
slight Update malfunction.  

Anyone else have this problem?

Grumpy Dave

Dave <dlh...@centurylink.net>

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