A major issue for multiple interfaces for the same software package in addition 
to the initial development time is the cost of additional support. If a bug is 
found, or a new feature is desired, the company potentially have to make two 
changes instead of one. A change to the version for the sighted user and a 
change to the alternative for the vision-impaired.

It is really better to build in accessibility from the start and have 
accessible interfaces on,ly. My experience with software for music and audio 
leads me to believe the issue is a lack of imagination. The developer, being 
sighted, can picture how she wants the set of “controls” to behave, so she 
designs a graphical model of the interface and has code behind it to perform 
various functions as that interface is manipulated with the mouse or other 
means. There is no conception of the interface other than a visual one.

It would be interesting to hear what successful blind musicians, composers, 
engineers and producers do to cope with all of this. 


Sent from my Mac Mini                                                           

> On Jan 15, 2017, at 5:36 PM, Dave via Talk <talk@lists.window-eyes.com> wrote:
> When it comes to making items accessible.  When it comes to software,
> for years, I have wondered why a Software Company could not have two
> interfaces, one for the Sighted world, and one for the blind, that use
> screen readers.
> And the choosing of which interface to use can be done the first time
> the software runs, or at any time after.  
> I am a Musician that plays guitar and some Keyboard.  As Sonar became
> more and more complex, it seemed as if the accessibility shrank and
> shrank until the last three or four editions are almost useless to
> someone using a screen reader.  
> JAWS seems to be a bit further ahead, when it comes to Scripts but even
> then, I don't know if they have done anything for reading any edition of
> Sonar past 8.X. 
> There are software based Synthesizers, that are quite powerful that are
> for the most part off limits to someone using a screen reader. 
> Addictive Drums is a software package that simulates Drums, all kinds of
> drums.  Everything from the old time drum kits from the 1920's to the
> ultra modern Hip-Hop electronic drums sounds.  Loads of drum styles, and
> I start Drooling when I think of what I could do to improve the sound of
> my recordings, if only I had access to this Addictive Drum software
> package. But, last I checked, it isn't a package that is all that
> accessible.  
> Same goes for some software based Guitar Pedal packages.  Loads of
> guitar effects, all customizable to my own tastes and it is all off
> limits.  Screen reader can't read the screens.  The one I wanted is
> absolutely silent.  
> And for those you who think I am whining, think again.   Please don't
> insult me because I point out an area that I wish was available to me
> and others.  
> I wondered if it would be possible to have a second main screen, this
> one friendly to screen readers etc.  
> How much would it cost the Company to add such a screen?  Don't know. 
> Don't know how much effort it would take to make such a screen.  
> I dream of such screens for all of the software that I find less than
> friendly to screen reader usage.  
> What if it took another week or two of development, or even another
> month of development time.  Would you pay another $100 extra to have
> such a accessible screen? I know I would.  
> Companies that make an attempt to make their software Screen Reader
> Friendly, seem to make the attempt to making their main screens
> accessible.  have no idea if they have ever considered making an
> alternative screen for their programs use by the Blind.  
> Today when pricing is so competitive, and Companies are striving to be
> the cheapest, even if it is by a Dollar or two under their competitors
> product, I don't know how willing some company would be to add a Screen
> Reader friendly interface, if doing that will cause their products price
> to rise by $100.  
> Grumpy Dave
> -- 
> Dave <dlh...@centurylink.net>
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