Tony wrote in part:

"but when you can take a free screen reader and accomplish task that you
cannot do with the $1,000.00 screen readers that's not an incentive to
continue to be a customer."

I do understand your thought process!  I have a Windows-based POINT OF SALE
(POS) app that requires some heavyweight scripting in order for it to work.
The cost of getting scripts written, $125 per hour, may be a bit more now,
kills me.  I was trying to work with one scripter out of Britain and he
wanted almost $40,000 to write scripts for the POS app in question.  Really?
An Android POS isn't about to DRIVE ME out of the marketplace!  Once the
buttons are correctly labeled by the app developer, I am pretty good to go.
Though I am not moving over to anything Apple because I detest proprietary
stuff, I am slowly KILLING WINDOWS and embracing Android more and more
because of the plethora of choices which Android has to offer me.  For less
than $1,000, I am able to get more done with Android than is the case with
my Windows screen reader.  

Now even if I can get this Windows POS app scripted for use with my Windows
screen reader, not all aspects of it will be accessible to me.  That's not
the case with any of the Android apps I've been playing ball with.  Once
everything is properly labeled, I have unfettered access to the entire app.

Windows screen readers didn't "see" what's happening to them coming!  Their
developers never prepared themselves for any eventualities.  I think that
the era of riding on the backs of blind computer users is nearly over.  Even
Microsoft's Narrator will have Braille support, and, when Windows10 Creator
with its talking installer is released, most blind folks will be able to
install Windows from the scratch with barely any sighted assistance.  In the
foreseeable future, I expect that blind people will be able to keep more of
their pennies in their purses, as opposed to lining them up and ferrying
them off to some screen reader developer!

Denver, Colorado 

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