Hi Olusegun!

I agree. The bar was set so high with Window-Eyes, that nothing else has reached as high, and I don't think anything will. That was why, when I read the end of life pop-up, I literally grieved, knowing that my first love in screen readers had caught the disease of obsolescence , because of no more development, even though, as we all know, it's working fine now. I also felt bad for those who were at GW Micro/AI Squared, because they got a raw deal. Although I migrated to JAWS and will install it on my new build when I get the rest of my parts in September
, I will never feel as strongly about JAWS as I do about Window-Eyes
, wich does so many things in a straight-forward, elegant and streamlined way.

I got out my Window-Eyes 9.0 CD so that I could listen to Doug's welcome message about installing Window-Eyes with or without speech. It was nice to listen to that again.


At 04:23 PM 8/17/2017, Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, wrote
 in part

Jaws best screen reader?  Even though Window-Eyes is dead, there's so much
that it does far better than Jaws!  Try routing your cursor to the mouse
pointer; Window-Eyes does a much, much better job of landing you on the
element you need.  If Jaws is the Thane and Cawdor, how come it doesn't give
or grant unfettered access to the entire innards of Windows?

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