Think we are a few, who lament the discontinuation of WinEyes. The very 
fact that a number of people still prefers using it for their 
activities, tells its own story. And though both NVDA and Jaws might do 
a better job in many a case, I still find that WinEyes does what I have 
come to enjoy. Even - as shown recently - in certain cases WinEyes is 
the only one that can get you out of a tricky situation. Whoever heard 
of a carpenter only bringing his hammer, thinking that it can both cut 
the wood, and screw the pieces together. Check the net, and see how many 
different tools are available for each tiny job on your computer. And 
tell you, if you check for an app for your mobile device, you usually 
end up with a list that easily numbers into the hundreds. Little wonder 
then, that the blind person needs more than one screen reader. Smiles.

All of that said, glad to hear you got your issue sorted out this far. 
Let's just hope it will stay that way. No matter what cleaner, or other 
action you take, sometimes things just gets so messed up - that a clean 
install of a given software might be the way to go. If you decide to 
familiarize with a cleaner, you might want to include it in your 
reinstallation routine. I know this can seem to be yet another hassle, 
but might be worth considering.
     Uninstall your software;
     Run a thorough clean-up, even with the Anti-malware of your choice;
     Reinstall the software again.

Though nothing could be guaranteed, it at least gives you the chance of 
a real clean installation. Shocking how much traces certain pieces of 
software could leave behind. Sometimes due to poor construction on the 
software itself and its uninstallation routines. But just as much due to 
the fact that many an entry in the Registry and generation of files and 
folders, is being done on the fly, through runtime. In such cases, the 
uninstaller might not even know where to go so as to delete the traces. 
Even WinEyes could not fully be uninstalled by means of Windows itself. 
On the distribution disc from GW, you would find what was known as the 
Emergency Remover. This because the Windows Operativ System would leave 
out some traces from deletion. The emergency remover was far more 
agressive, even to the extent that it would find your backup, if you did 
not hide it rather deeply. I do notice this even need for a taylored 
uninstaller, even for other pieces of software.

If your screen reader is playing up on you, make sure the right .set 
file is loaded for the software you are attempting to use. Two different 
approaches, sometimes the one works better than the other, so again 
bring your complete toolbox. Smile.
1. Start your software, like Internet Explorer.
2. Open the WinEyes Control Panel, by Ctrl-Backslash. If you have turned 
on Advanced mode in the Help menu, your title bar of the control panel 
should tell you which set file is currently active, and which 
association has been given between the set file and the running application.
3. As an alternative to the control panel, you could simply hit 
Insert-L, directly from within the application you are using. You now 
will get a dialog for choosing what set file to load. If there is any 
set file associated with your application, you will see it already 
suggested in the edit box. If so, simply press either Escape or Enter, 
to return to your application. If not, use your Tab-key to get to the 
list of available files, and make your choice.

And of course, there is one extra chance of not having to reinstall your 
very screen reader. Long as you have a backup of your profile folder, 
you can simply copy it into your system, restart your screen reader, and 
things will be right back to the point where you backed up last time. 
Once you are satisfied with your screen readers performance, make sure 
to back up the profile. If you want to play safe, keep two backups. That 
means, every time you backup your profile, let the old backup become 
your spare-backup. Process then would be:
1. Delete your spare backup.
2. Rename or move your backup to the spare position.
3. backup your working profile.
By doing this, you will have the chance of rolling not one, but two 
steps back in time. thereby giving yourself yet another breathing room.

Just a few ideas for consideration.


On 3/2/2020 5:08 AM, Larry Higgins via Talk wrote:
> David,
> Thanks much for the URL for the cleaner. Although I have managed to 
> solve my Winamp issue with a system restore, I am having an issue with 
> Window-Eyes which renders browse mode a bit unstable, and can't figure 
> out why I am the only one using Windows 10 who seems to be having a 
> problem using WE.
> My reasons for using an end of life product like Window-Eyes are 
> plenty, not the least of which is not wanting to even consider 
> purchasing JAWS, due to both, the money involved, and their cut throat 
> ways, and the way they went after Window-Eyes in what I suspect was a 
> rather underhanded manner. But then again, that is just personal 
> opinion and suspicion. Maybe the guys at GWMicro could have played 
> things a little smarter, but the loss of both the product and such a 
> good company with such fine staff was IMHO a travesty.
> Sorry, really didn't mean to digress in such a manner, but there are 
> just some things for which I find WE quite Necessary, especially as 
> they relate to Reading my books from Bookshare. It looks like IE11 is 
> the only handy way I can find to read them, and WE and their browse 
> mode in their present condition on my system leave much to be desired. 
> But, who knows, maybe RegClean may play an important part in clearing 
> things up.
> Thanks for reading this far. I will be shouting from the rooftops as 
> well as the Net if I finally come up with a solution.
> Take care,
> Larry
> On 2/28/2020 12:50 PM, David via Talk wrote:
>> As for trouble with the Registry, CCleaner might be of some help. You
>> find it at
>> The Home Standard version, is free of charge. Basically, long as you do
>> not change the factory settings, it might be safe enough to run. But you
>> might want to  go through the settings, to make sure it does what you
>> want, and nothing more. In the Main menu, choose Options, then Settings.
>> Work your way through the tabs, and it will at least give you an idea
>> what kind of issues the cleaner will care for.
>> Note that a cleaner will not repair anything. It will remove things that
>> seem to be outdated or left-overs, even broken. In other words, if your
>> MP3's do not play, the cleaner might not fix that in itself. But it
>> might remove a broken connection between your file type and the player.
>> This will leave the MP3 connection open so to speak, and you then will
>> be able to reconnect it with your chosen player. Broken connections, or
>> associations, may cause trouble to many things on your computer, since
>> they serve as a road map for the computer to know where to take given
>> info, and what to do about it. Such broken stuff might come from
>> uninstalling, updating or otherwise changing software on your PC. They
>> can even arise as a consequence of a power failure, a failed or
>> cancelled operation, a forced shut down of the system, or any untold
>> reasons.
>> Another software that I have been benefitting from, and which takes care
>> of different issues, is SpyBot Search and Destroy. One place to get that
>> one from, is:
>> SpyBot is an Anti-Spyware. But due to the fact that spyware includes a
>> number of techniques, and some of them meddle with many things on your
>> computer, a side-effect of SpyBot is that it might happen to clean out
>> things that solves technical issues. Again, the benefit of such, is that
>> it leaves you with a more clean PC, and makes it easier for you to
>> troubleshoot. Leaving factory settings usually is the best way, but it
>> leaves you certain control over its activity.
>> Both the above cleaners do work with WinEyes. They are, as most modern
>> software, quite mouse entensive. As a note, I just tested them this
>> morning when cleaning up my system, with Jaws 18 and likewise NVDA.
>> Clearly, WinEyes offered you the best control. Even in CCleaner's latest
>> version, NVDA worked only so well, and Jaws failed altogether. WinEyes
>> got the job done. Funny how different screen readers work, and how the
>> old approach sometimes is the better go.
>> All of this, only for your information.
>> David
>> On 2/26/2020 9:40 PM, Larry Higgins via Talk wrote:
>>> Hey Rod, that's OK, we all have days like that. I just decided to go
>>> for it, because since other extensions were being likewise effected, I
>>> just deduced that it must definitely be a registry issue. Certainly a
>>> chance worth taking, especially since I didn't figure it could do any
>>> real damage considering that I hadn't installed anything else over the
>>> past week.
>>> I did uninstall and reinstall Winamp, but to no avail. I started to
>>> realize that the registry might be an issue when I tried to change the
>>> preference through the default app extensions option, and found that
>>> there was nothing for .mp3 without that Winamp URL Command Handler 
>>> thing.
>>> I did download your copy of the last version of Winamp
>>> . I've forgotten, but that might be the version I am already running.
>>> Hmm, no it isn't mine is in the 5 range. I'll have to fix that right
>>> away.
>>> When it comes  to WE, I think we might should discuss that in private.
>>> If you can help me resurrect/revive this thing, it would be most
>>> helpful. I'm afraid I've lost your address with all the issues of
>>> late, so maybe you could send me a message so that I can get you back
>>> in my address book.
>>> I can give you a couple of examples of where it is letting me down,
>>> and that is with IE11. As it is, I can get only one key to echo, well
>>> maybe two, the period, and the space bar
>>> . Also headers and all other browse mode functionality is gone. Very
>>> frustrating.
>>> OK, that is enough for the present. Hope to talk to you soon.
>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>> at 1:19 PM, Larry Higgins via Talk <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> thought I'd better make that correction.
>>>>>>>>> On 2/24/2020 12:11 PM, Larry Higgins via Talk wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello listers,
>>>>>>>>> And I sure hope you can help me with this one.
>>>>>>>>> For some reason, as of earlier this morning, Winamp wants to
>>>>>>>>> treat my .mp3 files  as if they are audio streams. I hear
>>>>>>>>> something, or did, like"URL file handler file type," and the
>>>>>>>>> files will no longer play. If I load an mp3 audio stream that
>>>>>>>>> uses an m3u file, it will load that stream, just not regular mp3
>>>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>>>> Please don't tell me I should move to another player, because
>>>>>>>>> I'm sure that either this issue or another could arise when
>>>>>>>>> using Foobar, or any other player for that matter. I stick with
>>>>>>>>> it because Jeff Bishops app works so well.
>>>>>>>>> I know that very soon, I'll have to give up on WE altogether,
>>>>>>>>> because after recently getting my computer back from the shop,
>>>>>>>>> WE seems to be falling apart before my very ears. Right now I am
>>>>>>>>> in the middle of a project, and I really would like to be able
>>>>>>>>> to use Winamp to play mp3 files as usual.
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Larry
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