On 10/01/2008, Michael Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >which seems counter-intuitive, not to mention requiring huge amounts
> >of work. do we set this for every item - roads, churches,
> >supermarkets,....thousands of other items?
> >is there anything underway to enable OSM to calculate where an object
> >is, based upon knowledge of administrative boundaries - after all,
> >they are only a polygon-shaped bounding box?
> Yes, sort of.  But the other way around, I am working on deriving
> administrative boundaries from "is_in" and "place" tags. *If* it
> works, the answer to your main question would be to randomly use
> is_in tags on low level items such as roads and churches and let the
> computer work out a boundary around them.  I should be able to report
> back in February.

sorry mike, i'm sure you've put a lot of work in, but that sounds even
more backwards, and very difficult to control well - i foresee a lot
of fudging to make it work in a lot of areas.

the boundary data should be relatively easy to come by, and require a
*lot* less points to be drawn/edited, than your method. plus, your
method is never going to be one hundred percent perfect. for example,
what happens in areas of open country side, with no POIs to mark, when
the boundary changes direction - something that will happen a lot?
and what when a place is in two administrative boundaries? there are
fairly major cities that straddle for instance state lines in the US.
i think arkansas may be one?

but i guess itches should be scratched....something will doubtless
come from this, whether unintended or not. ok, it'll be interesting to
see your results

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