On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 02:44:21PM +0000, OJ W wrote:
> Where an area of natural=wood is inside an area of amenity=university, the
> woodland doesn't appear unless you put it at layer>0
> http://informationfreeway.org/?lat=52.9356064080633&lon=-1.2017670228240827&zoom=17&layers=B000F000F
> however, that makes the roads 'underneath' the woodland disappear from the
> map
> similarly with woodland inside a leisure=park
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.94495&lon=-1.21801&zoom=17&layers=0BFT
> any ideas?

I'd suggest that this is an ordering bug in the renderer - the
university area is a non-physical thing that just identifies the
ground covered (mostly like landuse=residential, etc[1]). The
woodland is a real physical thing, so should always be rendered
to show in preference to the university area, IMO.



[1] The main difference being that the university land is
probably all owned by the university, whereas the residential
land is owned by different people.

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