On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 2:44 PM, OJ W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where an area of natural=wood is inside an area of amenity=university, the
> woodland doesn't appear unless you put it at layer>0
> http://informationfreeway.org/?lat=52.9356064080633&lon=-1.2017670228240827&zoom=17&layers=B000F000F
> however, that makes the roads 'underneath' the woodland disappear from the
> map
> similarly with woodland inside a leisure=park
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.94495&lon=-1.21801&zoom=17&layers=0BFT
> any ideas?

Surely this is just a z-ordering issue in the renderer? You've decided
that woods should render above university areas and parks, which seems
sensible to me, so put this rule in the renderer where it belongs.
Both of these features cover this area, and one is not "on-top" of the
other, so there shouldn't be any layer tags at all.


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