Op 21 apr 2008, om 22:46 heeft Frederik Ramm het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,

Hi Frederik,
>   for an upcoming OSM booth we have the offer of a local Apple dealer
> to supply us with all the hardware we want (including 30"+ displays
> and all). These would, however, be out-of-the-box Macs with those
> funny keyboards and those mice without buttons you know... and they
> wouldn't even let us pop an Ubuntu CD in and install a proper OS ;-)

That's very nice.
> My question to the Mac users out there: Will those Macs be suitable
> for demonstrating all important aspects of OSM, i.e.
> * Slippy Map (heard rumours that it runs sub-optimal on Safari,
>  always loading tiles for all layers instead of current only?)

I just compared FF2 and Safari 3.1.1 using 
FF2 does 195 requests, Safari 174.
Safari actually performs better. I did not do extensive testing, but  
with a clean cache Safari loads the above page about a second and a  
half faster than FF2.

> * JOSM (especially concerned about usability with 1 button mouse)

That is indeed horrible. Recent Macs are supplied with a two-button  
mouse though. Well - it's actually still one physical surface, but  
left and right clicks are detected. I would recommend connecting any  
regular mouse though, because the scroll 'wheel' (it's actually a  
little ball) is nasty.

> * Potlatch

It...Works. Expect hiccups now and then. Flash is slower on Macs than  
on Windows. Even recent Macs suffer. I have a MacBook Pro 2.16GHz  
Intel Core Duo and I regularly have to wait 1sec+ for Potlatch to  
react to user input after it stalls.

> * ...?

You could of course install Windows on them ;) Or Ubuntu / Debian /  
Whatever in a VM. I run Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OSX all at the same  
time with no problems at all.
> Or will I have to install countless helpers, utilities and control
> panels?

No. Only thing I'd recommend is putting this:

java -jar -Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M /Applications/josm-latest.jar

in ~/Library/Scripts/JOSM.sh (chmod 0755) and enabling the script menu  
through the AppleScript Utility (included in Leopard) for easy access  
to JOSM.
> I would like to accept the offer but if I end up endlessly tuning
> those machines to act like normal computers then I'd rather opt for
> run-down but working Linux boxes from the community instead of the
> shiny Macs.

Is there no-one with hands-on Mac experience that can lend a hand? You  
wouldn't want to turn down those 30" screens :)

Good luck!

martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- http://www.schaaltreinen.nl/

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